Corridor of Mercy
‘A humanitarian corridor is a zone intended to allow safe transit of aid and of refugees out of a crisis.’

All hell broke loose in the days leading up to Divine Mercy Sunday last week. Sickness, financial loss, and strife rattled all my systems. Hurtling in space toward Los Angeles and our first Living Waters Training there since the pandemic, a light dawned—this is warfare! A gurgled cry for mercy then laughter: I broke fixation on minor crises and refocused my heart’s ‘gaze’ on Jesus.
This refugee needed the corridor of Divine Mercy. Only Blood and Water could rent the dark veil around me on the eve of one of our biggest advances ever. Heaviness broke and I began to pray earnestly for Jesus to exchange strife for a triple portion of favor on these most strategic endeavors.
Just think. On Mercy Sunday, we availed the new Living Waters guidebook and video series for public consumption. Never have persons outside a group been free to access these tools. Aid indeed for the vulnerable! And simultaneously some of our best leaders landed in LA alongside me to become that corridor of mercy for 50 lay leaders intent on releasing ‘living waters’ to others.
We need both—real aid and real walking partners in route to full integration of God’s design for our humanity. Voila, the Divine Mercy corridor for refugees from San Diego to Seattle! Subject to a culture so intent on not offending that it dishonors God’s best for His creation, these pilgrims surrendered to Reality. I haven’t seen this level of participant openness and this much anointing for healing and deliverance in decades. Some highlights of our LA Training:
The corporate gift of Edwin Fawcett and Abbey Foard’s musical worship invited heaven every time they sang. As we praised, the house swelled with Spirit and prepped all for deep redemption.

I was moved by Jesus’ justice on behalf of same-sex strugglers. In the prayer to recognize and honor those undercut by sexual abuse as children, these overcomers fell to their knees and allowed Jesus to transfer them out of the hands of predators and into the stronghold of His clean, protective embrace.
Many belong to the Changed Movement, a collection of young, bold witnesses who ensure that Jesus’ transformational power figures into LGBTQ+ decisions throughout the USA. What a worthy investment!
Also among us were witnesses of Jesus’ power to restore marriages ravaged by sexual infidelity. Though California introduced ‘no fault’ divorce to the world, we explored the wonder of Mercy in the wounds husbands and wives inflict on each other. We celebrated the 50th year anniversary of team members Kevin and Nita Klonoski whose marriage--a trophy of forgiveness—drives 25 year of Living Waters service in Los Angeles. We honor them and all marrieds whose ‘yes’ to each other is made strong by Jesus Himself.
Lastly, I rejoiced in my successor Marco Casanova who at 29 years led the training with grace and truth (ably supported by Dean Greer.) Much of my happiness at 64 lies in preparing Marco to fortify and amplify this corridor of mercy for generations-to-come.