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  • Writer's pictureAndrew Comiskey

November 3, 2012 (Psalm 4:8)

‘For You alone, Lord, make me secure.’ (Ps. 4:8 NAB)

Those of us who have veered off the straight and narrow in a sensual quest for love know how destabilizing idols are. Yesterday’s confirmation becomes today’s condemnation. The world’s mirrors are cracked and deceiving, unable to secure us in love. How blessed are we who cry for Mercy. How blessed are those reduced to the covering and cleansing only God can give!

One day I was wrestling with some shameful sexual feelings until I surrendered them to the Lord. I saw the man Christ clothed in rich white garments. He enveloped me and assumed the dirt accumulating around me. At the same time, His embrace imparted strength and courage to arise in the true man, clothed also in robes of righteousness.

I recalled St. Paul’s words in Ephesians 4: 22-24 where the apostle spoke of the true self, ‘created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.’ Our security lies in Christ who imparts dignity to the weakest one who cries out for it. God alone can cleanse our hearts, and cover our nakedness with His righteousness.

‘When I looked at you and saw that you were old enough for love, I spread the corner of My garment over you and covered your nakedness. I gave you My solemn oath and entered into a covenant with you, declares the Sovereign Lord, and you became Mine.’ (Ezek. 16: 8)

‘Father, our security lies in You. Teach us to rest in the embrace that exchanges our rags for Your righteousness. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we confess our sins of cowardice and compromise. We have violated Your holy commands in regards to what we have done to our bodies and to other bodies. And in our compromise we have become cowards, unwilling to stand for what we know to be true for the dignity of all. We ask that You might have mercy on Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, and Washington; uphold marriage in these states, and in our nation, as the Supreme Court prepares to rule on ‘gay marriage.

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