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Fighting for Fruitfulness: Seven Truths for this Generation

Writer's picture: Andrew ComiskeyAndrew Comiskey

While waiting in line at the market, I observed two young Latina women in matching jean jackets emblazoned with rainbows and crosses. They could barely keep their hands off each other and gave into a long messy kiss just outside the store. Shame? Intolerance? No signs of it. Fellow shoppers smiled and walked by as if pleased with this celebration of young ‘gay’ love.

Truth 1: The majority of young adults consider LGBT+ persons victims of injustice rather than violators of chastity. So morality has to do with justice–fighting for the civil rights of sexual minorities, not repentance from sexual sin.

Truth 2: These young adults are wrong. They came of age in an era that deifies every desire and champions each person’s right to create his or her own sexual universe. That is idolatry, and places a young person in grave spiritual danger. According to Scripture, these ones ‘worship and serve the creature over the Creator’ (Rom. 1:25); according to the Catechism, homosexual acts are depraved and disordered because ‘they close the sexual act to the gift of life, and do not proceed from a genuine emotional and sexual complementarity’ (#2357).

Truth 3: LGBT+ liberties emerge as the bitter fruit of the mess we made of male and female relationships in the twentieth century. Who knows anyone who seriously recognizes children as the main reason for sexual love between a man and woman? We have ‘contracepted’ ourselves to death while fueling ‘normal’ desire with lust, narcissism, misogyny, misandry, and abuses of all kinds. For some, same-gender love seems a consoling option amid a landmine of male-female hostility that hardly resembles ‘genuine complementarity.’

Truth 4: Though it is helpful to understand why some are more vulnerable than others to LGBT+ reality, we each must answer to God as to what we did with our bodies, including our wounded emotions and skewed sexual desires. That’s among the main reasons Living Waters exists: to help all persons—single or married, Catholic or Protestant, disordered ‘gays’ or ‘straights’—to prepare to say to Jesus: ‘With this one body I have bowed down before one God and one alone.’

Truth 5: The majority of historic Protestant denominations are now idolatrous in their understanding of homosexuality. After decades of ‘dialogue’ with the LGBT+ community, most have now pledged allegiance to the rainbow flag. And no longer uphold chastity as reasonable for young people. Every denomination that cedes to LGBT+ liberties (‘gay’ ordination and unions) initiates a slow suicide. They lose members until there are no more. God does not bless the Church that tolerates sexual immorality Remember Thyratira? (Rev. 2: 20-23.)

Truth 6: Catholic bishops from around the world are gathering throughout October to create an authoritative document on how the Church shall deal with young adults. As mentioned before, LGBT+ matters are included in this working document which if approved by Pope Francis will become binding for the Church-at-large. Fr James Martin has his fingerprints all over it, including the call to endless dialogue with the LGBT+ community—‘the listening Church’…who must opt ‘for dialogue as her method and style.’ Hear me: I have endured three decades of ‘dialogue’ about LGBT+ matters with all the major denominations. Its end is death.

Truth 7: The time is now for the Church to uphold her truth about chastity infused with Almighty mercy. We listen to sinners and we call them to join us in route to integration—Jesus’ goal for all His followers. That has never changed. Please join us in prayer for the next 40 days starting this Wednesday, Oct. 10th. We will pray to ‘become’ good news for our LGBT+ loved ones. And we shall lift up the Youth Synod, in the hope that wise bishops will uphold the Church’s exquisite moral teaching as good news for a generation that will perish without it. We should not be afraid or intimidated. Truth is at once generous and firm. Truth sets us free.

We’ll be starting our prayer/ fasting time on October 10th for anyone who wants to join. If you’d like to pray along with us, let us know and we can send you a book or you can get it through kindle here:!

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