For the Bride
This fall, we advance in three exciting ways for the Body of Christ. Desert Stream Ministries is about helping make the Church a transformational place for sinners, and ultimately, a chaste, merciful Bride for her Bridegroom.
Toward that end, we want to know about:
Our third Living Waters group at St. Thomas More parish in Kansas City This is the first Catholic parish in America to take up the healing of sexually and relationally broken people. We have faced much resistance, and without help from the Kansas City/St. Joseph Diocese would not be gathering again this fall. God uses all refinement to make our offering more glorious. We start Tuesday night September 27th. To apply, contact Becky Turner at
Open to Life: Pastoral Equipping for Care of Persons with Same-Sex Attraction This is a concise, practical, and hopeful 2-and- a-half hours for all Christian leaders who want to be faithful to Jesus in their care of persons facing homosexual issues. Please calendar Wednesday morning on October 19th, from 930am to noon at St. Thomas More parish in Kansas City. To register, contact Dean Greer at
Radiant: 40-Days of Prayer and Fasting for the Church, Oct. 12th-Nov. 20th Desert Stream sponsors a fast at the end of the Catholic Church year every fall. This year, we shall be lifting up each Christian’s commitment to make the Body of Christ a merciful, truthful community for all persons, and ultimately, a Bride worthy of her Bridegroom. We will have a complete guide for this fast available by the end of September.
This fast can involve any kind of sacrifice you desire to make and requires 30 minutes every day for to pray for our pastors and the expansion of our limited love for the Church. We want to share Jesus’ heart for His beautiful, broken Bride. For more info and a prayer guide, contact