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Aliens in America: Day 2

Writer's picture: Andrew ComiskeyAndrew Comiskey

Home Fires 

 'As aliens, live in reverent fear.' (1 Pet. 1:17) 


'To be chosen by God puts us in opposition to the world. That’s why St. Peter addresses his first letter ‘to God’s elect, strangers in the world…’ (1 Pet. 1:1). 


John the Apostle describes the ‘world’ in this way: prideful strutting about, conceding to whatever disordered desire drives us, and fabricating a social ‘self’ that gives us power over our enemies (1 Jn. 2:16).  


Sounds like both candidates vying for the presidency… 


It’s easy to throw stones at these larger-than-life figures populating every screen. Our election as saints merely highlights how worldly we are. The only difference? Beautiful Jesus who invites us to take a hard look at our own fakery and frees us little by little to live true: hating what He hates and loving everyone into the Kingdom, however ragged our efforts.  


Living like an alien in holy fear before Him these days makes a difference. I woke up today having dreamed of two things: the first was a line I couldn’t quite decipher—'the inviolability of God’s moral law.’ I looked it up, and it means the safety and protection of God’s most basic precepts. I guess that means ‘what we can’t not know’: the ten commandments, His truth written on all  our hearts (Rom. 2:15), regardless of faith or nationality.  


I thought of all the ways I have either violated that law or been sorely tempted to: in killing undesirables through slander, bowing down to power badly as to not lose place, leeching other’s light through boasting, lusting sexually and hurting those I most love, cursing God in my temporary afflictions—let me count the ways. Yet mightier than sin is the One who comes shining to cleanse me and to close the gap between the Savior and my not-quite-saved humanity.  


Voila: an alien in America whose only boast is the One who has laid claim to me. He fulfills His own law in me through the tender power of His love. Only Jesus. No fear in love! 


That brings me to the next ‘word’ I dreamt and awoke to this morning: ‘Bring My Kingdom.’ I had a recurring experience of praying for persons in distress, seeking to bring them release through Jesus, who imparted His Father’s rule and reign over them in the power of the Holy Spirit.  


Though I may ‘recall’ the world and its fetters, I actually live out of a new citizenship, a subject of a new Kingdom who has a responsibility to bring that Kingdom to those suffering under the world’s cruelty (‘If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him,’ 1 Jn. 2:15).  


We who have been transferred from one kingdom to another have authority to help others do the same! Only an alien freed by Divine Mercy can do this.  


Politics will intensify and clutter our perspective. Stay Kingdom-minded! Rouse yourself as an alien, as one set apart and raised into the very life of Jesus. The other day I ran into an unbelieving friend and discerned a cloud of darkness around him. I brought the Kingdom to him in a quiet but profound way; the darkness lifted as I encouraged him and prayed. 


God’s Kingdom supersedes our polarized political landscape. In this contentious season, we answer a higher call. Yes, we witness the worst of humanity on display, and we tremble at the violation of His law. Let’s go deeper and remain faithful to the only King worth championing: ‘For it is by God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men’ (1 Pet. 2:15). Let it be so, Holy God.  


‘Jesus, we love Your law, and by Your love that law is fulfilled in us. May we be wholly nonpartisan in loving all persons in a way that answers their deepest cry for love.’  

‘Jesus, You are the King and we are first citizens of Your Kingdom. Would you free us for You in this election season, not to hide but to shine? You’ve always asked nothing less from Your elect whom You have made ‘strangers in a strange land’ (Ex. 2:22). Here we are, a people who don’t know what to do but who look and listen to our King. 


“Father of all holiness,

guide our hearts to You.

Keep in the light of Your Truth

all those You have freed from the darkness of unbelief.

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son.”’



Michael Flowers
Michael Flowers
Oct 19, 2024

I’m with you Andrew as you prophetically poke and prod us who are swimming for our lives against the tide of cultural Christianity and Christian nationalism. And you join us, sharing your own struggles.

We find it hard to hear the voice of Christ against anything, especially the culture we now soak in. The false Christ of culture has invaded our consciousness, seducing us to acquiesce. It’s difficult to remain aliens. Empire morphs, twists and turns while His Kingdom irritates.



Oct 16, 2024

Praise the Lord


Oct 15, 2024


I am a follower of Christ, wounded healer, who does their best to listen and obey, aware of my own shortcomings, strive to "put on Christ" moment by moment and to love God wholeheartedly and my neighbor as myself. Also I am deeply saddened by the degradation of our culture and a longing for Christians (myself included) to bridge the gap with both grace (compassion) and truth (confrontation). I am afraid Christianity as a force for good has lost its cutting edge and is either unable to say "no" to the surrounding culture - 'this is what everybody does' - or become nasty with a Christian "right" mentality drawing the line Us (the Christians are good guys) vs. The…


Oct 15, 2024

Agreed that politics will (or can) intensify and clutter your perspective and that keeping our eyes on Christ is the best view for our broken world.

However, the flip side is that through the process of seeking truth we can also bring clarity and cohesion to our divided minds and society.

It our right and privilege to become informed voters and understand how political structures are used against Christians. I find it surprising that your own organization has not been the target of some of these persecutions?

Indeed while politics are filled with imperfect people and systems , it is our duty to use the structures ( and candidates) to further a greater good.

The Catechism calls us to the…


Oct 15, 2024

Andy, I have been a part of most of your calls to fast and pray and have found them important and effectual. I love the idea of coming together in unity and praying against evil, because the greater the number praying, the bigger the victory.. However I sense there is something else being added to this particular fast, which seems more political and divisive, thus it actually drives me away from whatever motivation you are working under.. Perhaps my sense of this is not important because I am a small voice, but I do know what is and is not The Real Presence of God and have known that Love for a very long time. I am hoping you wi…

Oct 15, 2024
Replying to

Sorry to jump in on someone else's post and your (Andy)'s response. I take your word that you are hearing people saying Trump is the only way. If that is true, and I can imagine some Christians do go to the extreme that he can do no wrong, you'd be right to call that out. However, most Christians I know say they really don't like his style but will support him because of his policies. I think it is important not to lump everyone into the category that everyone who votes or supports him for president does so because they regard him as some sort of savior. I, for one, see how Harris targeted for criminal persecution a Planned Parenthood…

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