Aliens in America: Day 24
Seek Jesus First

‘As aliens, live in reverent fear’ (1 Pet. 1:17).
Today I am seeking first the Kingdom of God (Matt. 6:33). Please join me. Jesus’ rule on earth was neither promoted nor undermined by this election. I seek Him today before losing myself in a host of newsfeeds. I ask Him to sustain us in love, joy, and a peaceful transition of power. Peace begins with me, where I first put my trust, then extends from me to others.
We are Christians first, citizens second.
I am glad this leg of the election is done. The other day, Annette skipped a beat and lost her thought; mindful of the brain space taken by this noisy, polarizing season, she concluded: ‘Can’t wait ‘til this is over…’

In truth, something else just begins, and it’s up to us to keep it in perspective. Seek first the Kingdom. A certain detachment keeps us sane in the upheavals going on all around us.
Got it: we don’t worship and pray and serve in a vacuum. Because of that, we can and must ensure we are worshipping. First things first. Sing a simple song to Jesus. Savor Scripture. Linger at Mass.
Then consider: how has this battle shaped me? What is deeper in me since that man and this woman started flinging indignities at each other?
Simple. I am more committed than ever to human dignity, especially to who man can be for woman, who woman can be for man. We must go deeper to rediscover our lost fullness. We must live it. And give everyone a right to it, beginning in the womb and continuing throughout their lifespan.
That applies pointedly to those different from us, not only in sex but in skin color and immigration status. It applies far beyond our borders.
We have only begun to deconstruct pointless partisanship. To become less polarized, we must repent of zeal without wisdom.
I pray each of us wrestled long and hard to vote. OK, we did it; now, let’s advance the Kingdom of God.
‘Holiness of life is the truest form of Christ’s Kingdom—a Kingdom that encompasses and transcends the rotting, disintegrating kingdoms of this world.’ Dr. Larry Chapp
‘Jesus, we agree with Your Word: Seek first the Kingdom, and all of these things will be given us, namely peace. Might You lend peace and order to the transition at hand? You are not bound by our democracy, yet You can help us. Be merciful, O God. We trust in You.’
‘Jesus, You are the King, and we are first citizens of Your Kingdom. Would you free us for You in this election season, not to hide but to shine? You’ve always asked nothing less from Your elect whom You have made ‘strangers in a strange land’ (Ex. 2:22). Here we are, a people who don’t know what to do but who look and listen to our King.
“Father of all holiness,
guide our hearts to You.
Keep in the light of Your Truth
all those You have freed from the darkness of unbelief.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son.”’
I understand some may be unhappy or concerned today with Trump's victory. I can only speak for myself that I was deeply concerned, downcast, etc after last election, so I can empathize. One thing that helped me was to fast from news media for an extended period of time. It gave me a whole lot more peace and I wasn't riding every emotional wave of the news cycle. When I went off of it, however, I noticed a big difference in my connection with God and others. Just a recommendation based on my experience, to really be wise with how much time you spend on media, especially outlets that feed into our political leanings. - Nathan