First of 7 Prayers for Marriage: Why We Fight
5 years ago, I rolled up my sleeves and fought as never before for the true definition of marriage. Why? Not because I am a good political animal. In truth, I am a terrible one: neither a faithful Democrat nor Republican.
Maybe I fought because I believe that marriage belongs to God. He ordained it as the relationship that civilizes our sexuality, makes it truly creative and reminds us to be responsible for the kids we create from it. Marriage matters to God because every one of His human creations is impacted by it.
And maybe I fought for marriage because I was sick and tired of the will of the people being overturned by the courts in my home-state of CA. Prop. 8 arose in response to one such court ruling and so we at DSM mobilized in teaching and prayer to support it. Against all odds, CA citizens went to the polls and we won! God told us (really) that we would and I did not believe Him. I am used to playing on Heaven’s winning team that loses most battles on earth.
We did win. But our victory was struck down by a gay activist judge who deemed the true definition of marriage unconstitutional, a slight to gay couples. Prop. 8 has been in the docks ever since. Until now. On Tuesday of Holy Week, March 26th, the highest court in the land will hear both sides of the Prop. 8 fight and will make a decision by June.
Let’s pray together for this. I know, fighting for the true definition of marriage is probably the least popular cause around. Social conservatives seem embarrassed by it and more concerned about the economy while liberals tag anyone not celebrating ‘gay marriage’ a ‘hater.’ Even many of my good Living Waters friends cannot stand our making defining marriage such a big issue. But I cannot help it.
If you really believe that God designed us for good, then any legislation or court order that normalizes what disfigures humanity is evil. To be sure, no court can mandate the spirituality that transforms us but it can restrain what deforms us. Redefining marriage damages the main relationship God has chosen to dignify the gender and sexuality of His human creation.
Don’t worry if you don’t like politics. Join the club. Just pray with us every week from now to Holy Week. I will offer a weekly prayer. Might you pray it daily?
‘Father, in the Name of Your Son and through Your Spirit, we offer You the truth of Your good creation. Thank You for the beauty of man and woman together. We exist due to such beauty! Alleluia! Forgive us for rendering to Caesar what is actually Yours. You ordained marriage and we hurt ourselves to not fight for its proper definition. In particular, we ask for unusual favor and blessing upon the legal team—the Alliance Defending Freedom—surrounding Prop. 8. Attorney Andrew Pugno authored the Proposition and from the start has functioned as the General Counsel for the campaign. We pray (in the words ADF gave us to pray) ‘{for Andrew’s} wisdom, protection, and joy in persevering for marriage, as well as for God’s blessing upon him, his family, and his service on behalf of the just and worthy cause of protecting marriage.’