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Jesus-Eyed Part 2

Writer's picture: Andrew ComiskeyAndrew Comiskey

‘If only I persuade a few, it will be a great gain for me.’ Justin Martyr

Jesus’ gaze confirms us and breaks the power of accusation. Freed from the prison of self-concern, we look outward and see what He sees. We then summon what we see in the power of the Holy Spirit. ‘When He saw the crowds, He had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd’ (Matt. 9:36).

Pentecost is here! The Spirit of the Good Shepherd who looks and loves us into new life dwells with us! We enter ‘Gay’ Pride month (‘gay’ seems quaint in light of 60+ ‘gendered’ selves) empowered to invite and unite all who seek into Christ.

The fire of the Holy Spirit disquiets us with the truth that many live alienated from Jesus. We see and we say; ‘Pentecostals’ (every Christian with a conscience) give voice to another’s longing for Him, however dormant. We offer a wakeup call.

While running the other day, I noticed a man awaiting anonymous sex in the shadows. I circled back and reminded him of Jesus’ love for him. It kicked the demons right out of him! Another sat on a park bench, a woman who looked like a man. I could see her seeking heart, even a heart disappointed and now hardened by what had been faith in Jesus. I saw the Spirit encircling her and told her so. At first bothered, she saw I meant no harm; her eyes welled up then looked away. I ran off, like Philip leaving the ‘turned-on’ eunuch (Acts 8:39).

Spirit, give us sight and courage to be Jesus for those far away—yet so close!

Peter, John, and Paul show us Jesus-eyed power. ‘Peter looked straight at the crippled man, as did John. Peter said: “Look at us.” So, the man gave them his attention’ (Acts 3:4, 5), and was instantly healed. ‘Paul, looking intently at him, saw that he had faith to be healed and called out: “Stand up straight on your feet!”’ The man-in-need did so and became whole (Acts 14:8, 9).

It helps to commune with turned-on Christians who expect Jesus to do great things. Last week at the Living Waters (Torrents de Vie) gathering in Lyon, France, I listened to leaders and was overcome by the depth of their longing for Jesus. Burned by profound persecution, all they wanted was for Him to move through them to heal many. Roused, I left the meeting to buy water and doused the shopkeeper with ‘living water’ from the French ‘overflow.’ Spring up, O Well!


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