Made New, Together
‘When You send Your Spirit, they are created; You renew the face of the earth.’ (PS 104:30)

The branches are beckoning. Two peach trees I planted last year for Annette and my 40th Anniversary have flowered and now bear first fruit. Towering around them are trees of every kind, a canopy of life filtering the sticky summer.
Annette and I love sitting in the stillness. Pray we will quiet ourselves long enough to be made new. August is ours. We feel the green, want to re-enter its lushness.
Thanks for all your support. You give the Comiskeys a break.

What a year. In six months, we did 3 week-long Living Waters USA Trainings, kicked off by a landmark collaboration with the Theology of the Body Institute. That fulfilled a dream (to be continued next February).
Covid lingered but we didn’t. Our international family beckoned, and we charged out to 4 far-flung locales, including a training with our besties in the Philippines. Random barriers to travel (imposed by airlines and nations alike) tempted us to turn back. Jesus made the Way.
We well up for the nations. Three international trips await us this fall. Thank you for sending us.
Marco and I just finished prepping my new book for Sophia Press, ‘Rediscovering Our Lost Fullness: A Guide to Sexual Integration.’ I wrote it over five years as a recollection on marriage, pastoral ministry and integrating Catholic truth. I await your take upon its fall release.
I am proud of this effort; it seemed to originate more in God’s heart than mine. Please pray it serves the Bride and prepares a wounded people for Himself.
Last week after a rich Living Waters Training in Kansas City, I came down with Covid for the first time. Bleech. I am a bad sick person, intolerant of lying dormant. Well-tended by Annette, she gets lovelier as I unravel. (That’s a chilling prophecy.) Anyway, I recovered only to greet her feverish cough and aches; it was my turn to be night nurse. She made me better and I helped heal her. We are made new together.