Pure Gifts
‘When Jesus ascended on high, He took prisoners captive and gave gifts to men.’
(Eph. 4: 8)
In this last week of Easter, between Ascension and Pentecost, I am overwhelmed by the generosity of God. Nothing can contain the love between Father and Son. Now reunited, the Divine duo overflow with blessings for the earthbound. Heaven saturates this prisoner who has been captivated by boundless Love.

Heaven touched earth last week at our second to last Immerse meeting. Due to a scheduling ‘glitch’, the gathering rerouted to my church. Fellow congregants joined our impassioned singing and witnessing for the first time. Heaven broke in to remind us that Father and Son vanquished the power of death, releasing us prisoners from tombs of sloth, despair, and worldly sorrow. Pure gift: a celebration of the life we share with the blessed Trinity!
On our last evening of Immerse, Jorge and Kate reminded us why we invest in all this healing and cleansing—to offer ourselves wisely and well to each other. Both Jorge and Kate are ‘deep well’ Living Waters people on the eve of their June wedding. It was beautiful to hear how a ‘village’ of committed Christians around them—family members, friends, counselors, pastors, small groups, the DSM staff (Kate was an intern with us)—contributed to the firm ground underneath their feet. Like any healthy couple, their love casts a vision beyond itself for all of us. Pure gift.

Now the piece de resistance: Annette and I welcomed two new grandkids this spring—Tommy Comiskey born to youngest son Sam and wife Chelsea March 15th and Charlie Comiskey delivered just a week ago to eldest son Greg and wife Christina. These kids are perfect. Talk about pure gifts. Annette is in a love dream and I love to see her enraptured by these two additions. As for now, she loves them more than anyone else.
The other day I ventured to CA but unlike the warfare we usually experience in my absence, Annette forgot I was gone. Jesus surrounded her with gifts from heaven (and our pretty solid kids)--a gaggle of grandkids. Pure gifts. Look at the pic. She is in the center of God’s generous love. Amen. Thank You Father, Son, Holy Spirit for gifts of Your goodness to us.