September 29, 2012 (Psalm 4:1)
September 29, 2012
‘Answer me when I call to You, my saving, righteous God…’ (Ps. 4:1)
David trusts God. His hope rests entirely on the God who delivered him in the past, and who he trusted would deliver him again. For the king, God is not an abstract ethic or idea—He is the one who has power to save him from death, both now and for eternity. David’s child-like trust pervades the adult intrigue in which he is entangled. May his example strengthen our faith in the God who employs His righteousness to save us.
‘Indeed in our hearts we felt the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely upon ourselves but on God who raises the dead. He has delivered us from such a deadly peril and He will deliver us. On Him we have set our hope, that He will continue to deliver us…’ (2Cor 1:9, 10)
‘Father, grant us the faith of Your servant David. We call to mind the way You have delivered us in the past. Would You deliver us again? In your righteousness, extend the mantle of Your unfailing love over our sorry state. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we confess our sins of cowardice and compromise. We have violated Your holy commands in regards to what we have done to our bodies and to other bodies. And in our compromise we have become cowards, unwilling to stand for what we know to be true for the dignity of all. We ask that You might have mercy on Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, and Washington; uphold marriage in these states, and in our nation, as the Supreme Court prepares to rule on ‘gay marriage.’