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Apostolic Courage

Writer's picture: Andrew ComiskeyAndrew Comiskey

Pride Month winds down on the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul (June 29th). Afflicted by weakness, both surrendered to the One who transformed their infidelity to fierce love, nothing short of the power that brings heaven to earth.

On Peter’s Rock, Paul declared to Timothy: ‘The Lord stood by me and gave me strength, so that through me the proclamation might be completed…’ (2T 4:17) And to the Ephesians, St. Paul declared one of the most prophetic declarations for our time: ‘For I have not hesitated to proclaim to you the whole will of God’ (Acts 20:27). Yet we do hesitate; few today amplify that full-orbed proclamation of Jesus Crucified and Raised to subjects of the rainbow kingdom.

Powerbrokers throughout the world spout a counterfeit gospel for persons unravelling due to a lost vision of their sexual humanity. Biden and team just urged all American embassies to fly a rainbow flag. (Really.) Mouthing platitudes, these deceived influencers bar the vulnerable from Reality. Only Jesus can break the back of disordered desire and identity and secure the wounded in unfailing love.

Might we invoke the Spirit of Peter and Paul’s Gospel in this hour? Might we courageously rouse ourselves to see and summon our loved ones back to the only One who loves them fully? He knows who He created, and He alone has power to remake us into robust representatives of Himself, male and female. Our freedom hinges on becoming beloved daughters of the Father, and valiant sons.

We must rouse our faith communities to become dynamic sites of such reconciliation. A slumbering Church hesitates and is evangelized by the world; a courageous Church transforms the world (and her broken members) under Jesus’ Almighty, merciful headship.

Courageous love infused us last week at our Living Waters Training in Kansas City. All rallied with expectancy. We are the vulnerable and the discerning—we know the world is becoming a foreboding place for any who seek sexual wholeness and who offer it to others. Jesus did not disappoint. The large number of young adults (many late teen and twenty-somethings), robust ecumenism, and a consistently high level of Holy Spirit power to heal resulted in miracles of integration. On the last night, witnesses declared the full Gospel as they described the delivering work Jesus had done in their depths, through His members.

God endows us with power through the witness of apostolic courage. Saints Peter and Paul faced opposition at every turn; at every turn, Jesus empowered them to proclaim the full Gospel, signs and wonders following. We proceed on their path. Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us!

Bless and thank you all for your ongoing love and support of Desert Stream Ministries. Annette and I just celebrated our 40th Anniversary and are now embarking on a 3-month sabbatical. Please pray that we will renew together as we reflect on and savor our rich history of love. We shall return in September, ready for a bright future of proclaiming the full Gospel.


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