Rend Our Hearts
United with Christ, turned toward the good and aware that the enemy is no-one but the deceiver himself, we must grasp the urgency of the hour. And be willing to act urgently. Why? If we do not take a stand against ‘gay marriage’ today, then we help loose a flood of perversion tomorrow.
Chesterton writes: “Man has never been able to keep on one level of evil. The road goes down and down.” If its successful ‘homosexualization’ is any indication, then California is going down fast.
“Gay marriage’ declares that perversion is blessed in the land, that the normalizing of homosexuality reflects justice and compassion. And it manifests the truth that those in the land who know better have capitulated to other forces, have fallen asleep at their posts, have failed to represent well their Creator and Redeemer in the land.
God has entrusted us to manifest real justice and compassion in our communities, and to restrain those inclined to pervert both. That is our duty as Christian citizens. When we fail to see this and act as if our only responsibility is to our immediate communities of faith, then we give the land over to corruption and judgment.
Shame on us for giving the land that we love to a host of powerful strategists hell-bent on inserting a perverse agenda into all walks of life! We must rend, or tear, our hearts before God and ask for His mercy before it is too late.
Our first act of urgency must be prayer. The prophet Joel implored his people to pray, a people who were under the threat of enemy invasion as an act of God’s judgment.
“‘Even now,’ declares the Lord, ‘Return to Me with all Your heart, with fasting, weeping, and mourning. Rend your hearts and not your garments…” (Joel 2:12, 13)The prophet urged them to declare a sacred assembly in which all might “weep between the temple porch and altar” and cry out: “Spare Your people , O God. Do not make Your inheritance an object of scorn, a byword among the nations. Why should they say among the peoples, ‘Where is their God?’ “(vs. 16,17)
I urge you to gather with friends and to cry out on behalf of California in this urgent hour. Cry out for the righteous in the land that God would vindicate our stand for what is just and right for California. The good news in Joel 2: 12-17 is that God is ‘gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and He relents from sending calamity. Who knows? He may turn and have pity…” (Vs. 13, 14)
Who knows? God may well vindicate the saints in California by empowering and uniting them to push back the advance of perversion there. One thing is sure: if Proposition 8 passes, it declares to all that the righteous in the land refuse to concede what is holy (marriage) to perversion. May He empower us to prayerful action in this hour.
We declare together: “We love marriage and the way that it represents You, O God. Forgive us for conceding Your image to alien forces. We ask that You would have mercy on the land and would rouse us to represent You well there! May we not be put to shame by the advance of perversion that is ‘gay marriage.’ May we push back falsehood in the power of what is just and true: reserving marriage for one man pledged to one woman in permanence and fidelity.”
Honor marriage for the good of all. Vote YES on Proposition 8.
“Those who seek the good have a permanent advantage in the inescapable moral design…And they have an advantage in the Designer Himself who hears our prayers, can’t be defeated and acts beyond our little defeats, beyond our sight…”Budziszewski